
join in the journey

vote love


We exist alongside hatred everyday, indeed hatred exists within each one of us. But there are seasons where the prevalence of hatred feels ever more present. This week is one of those times.

Driving to a meeting this morning, I was thinking over four significant acts of hatred that have populated the news this week: the shooting in an LGBT nightclub in Orlando (in a sense a metaphor for the hatred that community is on the constant receiving end of); Donald Trump’s virulent response; the unveiling of a poster depicting non-white migrants by an inappropriately triumphant Nigel Farage; and of the senseless but hate-filled murder of Jo Cox MP.

These events have given us all reason to pause this week. But what of our response? How often does hate lead to even more hate?

As I crested a hill, fixed to a fence was a large EU referendum banner. I felt my stomach turn as I am exhausted with the rhetoric and tone of this campaign. But someone had chosen to make another statement (with the help of a spray can) – a statement we all need to hear this week, you can see it yourself above.

Jesus said “love one another”. I think now is the time for us to give love our vote.

ancient rhythms, new beginning

Chesil Beach

In the Genesis account of creation, water is present with the Spirit before creation. Sat here on Chesil Beach, it gently lifts, collects and drops the millions of pebbles that form the line where the crystal sea meets land. It has been doing this over and over for millennia.

I sit as countless sea-gazers have before, watching nature’s rhythm, hearing the crash and rumble of it’s restless power… I experience healing. Water is vital for happiness and well-being – a phenomenon which is being continually explored and documented by neuroscientists. It should hardly be a surprise. A study of our ancestors reveals a fascinating interplay between water, wellness and spirituality.

Any exploration of ancient religious texts (including the Hebrew ones) and you are likely to find water plays a major feature. Many religious rituals (including from the Jesus tradition) orientate themselves around water. Jesus besides Jacobs Well offers life-giving water (himself) to the Samaritan woman (the outsider). “Water is life; life is water. Living water is God; God is living water.”¹

It is little wonder that when needing to reconnect, find peace, to escape the anxiety of living life – so many gravitate to the sea (or a spa).

So what does this mean for mission? God has called us to the outsider – those who thirst for healing but haven’t found the source. He has called us to dig deep alongside each other to find the life-giving water.

We can be surrounded by water, but still miss the ancient rhythms it holds for us. For me I want to draw close, and in community… drink. “Water holds deep wisdom; it keeps our ancient memories of origins and our creaturely dependance.”¹

¹ Butler-Bass, Diana, “Grounded”

fresh air


When we conceived this blog I imagined that the first post would be introductory in nature. A ‘hello’ post, unpacking our vision for this journey we are embarking on and inviting you to share in it. Instead I find myself writing a T-minus post.

This weekend, Spring in the air presented the first opportunity of 2016 to hang laundry outside to dry. What a great feeling… not because I prefer my clothes dried al fresco, but because it represents a change in the seasons. With clothes flapping on the line and the fresh smell of cut grass from my neighbours garden, winter’s cold clutch, dark mornings and grey mood was banished with the promise of radiant light, shoots of life and a much needed dose of vitamin D and happiness.

Although seasons change with some degree of fluidity, there is an underlying certainty that the next season will come and the old will go. I value what this points to in a Creator, this glimmer of hope in a world, faith and life filled with uncertainties.

That glimmer has been much needed this week. Before we even embark on this journey it seems plagued with challenge dressed as impossibly high hurdles. Usually one of us is raring to leap, dragging the other along in fatigue or protest (or both). But this week we both felt deflated, weak, incapable and frankly overwhelmed.

Venturing out into the sunshine, washing basket in hand, nature revealed its architecture, which shares the same designer as us. Whilst every storm that rages and destroys will end and calm and stillness will return, so it is in our lives too. The same design and rules govern our existence. Seasons will always change. For us we cannot be sure when, but only that this difficult season will end and the next step in our journey is waiting.

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